About Instructor
Professor of Veterinary Medicine with extensive expertise public health, food safety, and One Health initiatives., He is the founder and first director of the One Health Centre at the University of Bahri, served as Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, and supervised numerous Master’s and PhD students. Dr. Salman is an active member of national and international organizations related to zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and food safety. He has over 50 peer-reviewed publications. His work extends to consulting and training, in food safety risk analysis, one health approach, and biostatistics
Training Courses
1)Founder and chairman of the One Health center- 2019
2) Dean – College of Veterinary Medicine – University of Bahri: 2011- 2019
3) Chairman of the curriculum revising committee
4) Examination officer – University of Bahr El ghazal 1997 – 1999.
5) Member of the Examination committee 1999 – 2001.
6) Head of the Dept. of the clinical studies, 1996 – 1998.
7) Head of the Department of Preventive medicine and public health,1998 -2002.